
Now this is classy...

We had a Christmas party with my whole extended family while we were in Utah and to spice things up a bit someone came up with the idea of wearing wacky Christmas sweaters and dickies. It was so funny. We all spent the few weeks before Christmas combing through thrift stores and getting in high pressure bidding wars on ebay just to score the perfect sweater. Some were absolutely hilarious - especially this little number that my man is wearing... Wow! Sometimes I can't believe he is mine... :)

The guys stole the show! Especially Ryan. He carried that mug around and held it in front of him the whole night. Now that's dedication!

(clockwise from top: my sister Megan's husband - Clayton, my brother Jim, Robert, my sister Mallory's husband - Ryan)


Kinsey Pistorius said...

that's hysterical - i LOVE that idea of the tacky sweaters. And yes, Ryan wins the prize - reminds me a bit of Christmas Vacation - but Robert's snoopy one is pretty darn good too!!! :)

grams said said...

You were such a colorful bunch. You must wear them every year. They are a classic.

holly said...

Priceless, I heard about them and I wish I could have seen them in person.