
Speaking of Go Texan Day...

We had a big story this morning in Houston. A narcotics officer for HPD was shot while serving a warrant. Of course it turned into a huge story. They broke into shows to keep giving us 'breaking news'. We had to watch the ambulance's journey to the hospital OJ style. It was a bit ridiculous. Not that I don't have compassion. Of course I do. But do they really have to interrupt my morning guilty pleasure of watching The Today Show and catching up on news from Libya before Carson starts flipping out for cartoons. And the officer is totally fine.

Anyway - the thing that cracked me up about all of it was watching the footage of ALL of the cops converging on the hospital. And ESPECIALLY when the news commentator said, 'Officers have been steadily arriving in their cars, on their motorcycles and on horseback'. Horseback? Really? LOL. That's Houston for you!

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