
Freaky David

I TOTALLY have a new respect for freaky-looking David Cook. Last night he was AMAZING! And when he shed a tear! How cute! Seriously. It amazes me how the tide can turn so quickly. Sexy Micheal is gone, Mormon Brooke did terrible and I am loving Freaky David. I never would have imagined. Who knew. What will happen next!? People who don't watch American Idol or think it is lame are totally missing out!

** As a side note. If you are not already, you should totally check out and get all your favorite songs by the AI finalists on itunes. They sound amazing! They re-record them in the studio so they get them perfect. Like this one from David Cook has some little problems with his voice sometimes, but I still LOVE the song and the way he changed it. So when you get it on itunes it sounds perfect and clear!

** I didn't know I could fit 'totally' into one post so many times!


grams said said...

Did you hear all the story on Freaky David last night? About his ill brother & all? Very touching!
Love the swing set!

Julie said...

I am TOTALLY with you on this! Davis can do about anything with any song. First Lional Richie's song, then Dolly's and now Mariah! Talk about talent. It did help me when he cut his hair...am I shallow or what! But I am still missing My Man!