
Robert has left the building...

Robert's company dressed up for Halloween. They decided at the last minute - the night before - so I ran to Target to see what I could find. They only had one men's costume left in the whole store and this was it...

Classic. It was meant to be. It couldn't have been any better! And BONUS! It was on sale!


Tiffany said...

That totally cracks me up!! Brian was too much of a wus to wear what I came up with...there's always next year baby!!

Kinsey Pistorius said...

that's priceless. I've decided as Drew gets older, I probably need to join in the Halloween festivities and dress up. It makes for great memories!!! :)

lawblob said...

That is a good look for Robert. I don't know if thats a good or bad thing for him. :P